Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Big Bad Blogs

Ronn Torossian has another one of those blog baiting articles in today’s Bull Dog Reporter. From the article:

So what is 2007? For smart companies and PR professionals it is it the year the industry fights back.

Fighting back against blogosphere is a little like poking a stick in a hornets nest.

Torossian goes on to hold up Apple as a company that understand PR. Well certainly Apple gets press play all out of proportion to its market share. Apple understands cool technology and products that work out of the box. Apple does not understand blogosphere and social media. In that respect Microsoft, Sun and just about every other technology company cleans Apple’s clock. Apple’s notion of control and secrecy just don’t work in blogosphere.

Blogs are perfect for technology evangelism and Apple is making a big mistake by failing to embrace them.

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